Observations at a Potentially Pivotal Time in the Sport

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Observations at a Potentially Pivotal Time in the Sport

Post by RobertV »

RC pylon is a very specialized segment of this great hobby with an organized community of self-governed (via AMA and NMPRA) racers and a small contingent of manufacturers that produce the airframes, engines, propellers, fuel, etc. that enable our very existence. The last decade has been what I would consider to be a prosperous time in the sport, where the rules packages have been quite stable and great airframe/engines promoted exhilarating speed, close competition, and parity. I would even say that, despite the challenges required to put on professional, fun, safe, and fair races, new venues and excellent competitions abounded.
All of this is driven by the enthusiasm of those involved. If it’s fun and exciting, we all want to be a part of it. But these feelings can wane for any of us as life’s obligations take us onto other paths. We tend to take it for granted that our pylon infrastructure will maintain at status quo, despite challenges faced by any of our foundational elements. We all need each other for this sport to survive. Our management and technical groups try to be proactive toward adapting with changing times, but let’s also be cognizant of the fragility of our present situation and how each of us can do more to sustain the ‘good times’ we have been experiencing. I for one, would hate to lose the choice to continue racing my current favorite hardware and expect most others would agree. Just as our interest is driven by enthusiasm, our fragile manufacturers must assess whether it’s worthwhile to continue to support us. I’d say most have more profitable options but choose to continue here due to a bond with the racing community and a fond history within it. I feel that, as racers, we need to protect that bond by recognizing that our support, encouragement, appreciation, patience, and kindness can represent the little ‘extra’ incentive required for them to continue forward.
Robert Vess
Raleigh, NC
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Re: Observations at a Potentially Pivotal Time in the Sport

Post by pastpres »

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Re: Observations at a Potentially Pivotal Time in the Sport

Post by iamtom »

Well said !!
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Re: Observations at a Potentially Pivotal Time in the Sport

Post by bazzer »


Very wise words.

Remember it is not the competing that matters, it is the winning!
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Re: Observations at a Potentially Pivotal Time in the Sport

Post by appracing »

Thank you, Robert!
I appreciate your words and thoughts which are spot on.
I couldn't have said it better.

Gary Freeman, Sr
Advanced Pylon Products, LLC
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